Cardiac Support Group (Nottingham)

Our Support Group

We are a patients and carers group, run and organised by patients and carers. A true peer to peer heart support group.


The Nottingham Cardiac Support Group aims to help those impacted by heart disease of any type. Whether newly diagnosed, receiving treatment or recently discharged, this group is here to offer support to you, your family friends, and carers. All of our members have lived experience of heart problems, dealing with them and the surrounding issues. All in all we must have over a century of heart related knowledge behind us.

Many people get comfort in sharing their experiences with others who know or understand, and may be able to move on to experience the even greater satisfaction of being able to help another patient who is going though similar experiences with a few words of wisdom and support. Small actions often pay huge rewards for everyone involved.

Our meetings are held at The Arnold Methodist Church (map below) on the last Tuesday of each month. They usually consist of speaker for a section of the evening with an opportunity to socialise over a hot drink.  

For new members, or those just wishing to talk things through, we also offer a monthly online session to meet in a small group with two or three of our members, which makes a comfortable and safe place to talk. To find out more about our online meetings you can either telephone the secretary or email Roland the organiser on You can be assured of a warm welcome.

I hope you are thinking of reaching out to us to find out more. The words on this web site will help but they cannot be replaced by having a conversation with one of our Trustees or members to see what the group can do for you, or what you can do for the group.

I hope we can talk soon.

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